Cover Re-design and Other News

The Architect Humanity's Leap 2

Redesigned the cover for book two, which will be released this week on Amazon.

Something had been annoying me in regard to the original cover. I just didn’t like the walking marines in the pic, after using the marines in the first book’s cover. It needed something different. Since the scene is the “Fabrication Facility” on the moon Ross 627-6D1, a better version included the (spoiler) wrecked vessel of Species Thirty-One that had smashed into the surface. Cover artist was the same individual (Daniel Pyle) that had so patiently worked with me on the first book.

In other news, I received the first 15 minutes of audio for the Audbile release of Species Seventeen, and it was excellent. Ms. Santomasso is now working on the rest of the book, and we estimate sometime around the holidays for a release time.

Lastly, I’ve started on book three, which is yet untitled. Lots of action in the opening scenes, with maybe a preview or two to come down the line.

Thanks for all of your support.


The Architect - Kindle/Paperback/HC


Syncronization Update 11-26