Paperback and Hardcover Available

It’s been an interesting experience posting to Kindle Direct Publishing and getting the book on Amazon. Royalties are dependent on whether you give them exclusivity or not, and the pricing model doesn’t exactly favor the author, but that’s okay. I’m not doing this for the money at this point in my life anyway.

In case anyone is interested, the Kindle version at $4.99 gets me $3.43 (69%). The paperback at $14.99 gets me $2.93 (19.5%). The Hardcover at $20.00 gets me $1.86 (a paltry 9%). I suppose it’s a good thing I’m not doing it for money! Total book investments to self publish will be somewhere around $10,000. That’s just for Species Seventeen. But a good accountant understands that you can chalk up these costs to R&D, and not pay taxes until you begin to turn profitable, at some point in the far off future.

As Dixon would say, “they tell me to jump, I ask how high.”



CAIPARR in the Flesh?


It’s Official!